
shower with water falling

Sitting on the Bathroom Floor

Warning - be aware this piece contains potentially disturbing content, on the occasion of Sexual Assault Awareness Month (further information below article).

speaking in hues podcast illustration

Speaking of...Navigating Digital Spaces

Join Marwah, Lizz, and guest Taylor Lamb (UVa CLAS '18 and former Editor of Iris Magazine!) as they explore the ways digital culture interacts with race, gender, and other identities, thinking about their own experiences on and off social media.

Speaking Truth in White Spaces (Speaking in Hues, episode 2)

Episode 2 amplifies and deepens the conversation hosts Lizz and Marwah had with activist and author Zyahna Bryant in episode 1. In this episode, Lizz and Marwah hear from two UVA undergraduate women of color, Caroline and Lauren, as they discuss what it means to belong—and not belong—at a predominantly white institution, and how they both advocate for shared spaces.

Just Girly Things

JUST GIRLY THINGS: a Horror Checklist of Real and Surreal Thoughts from Poetic Hell

Here lies a body of words which arrived at my window one night in jagged fragments and forced me to make their cacophony into a less than sophisticated arrangement of reverbs: 

speaking in hues podcast illustration

Speaking About Navigating White Spaces (Speaking in Hues, episode 1)

In the first official introduction to Hues, Lizz and Marwah are joined by special guest Zyahna Bryant -- renowned student activist, community organizer, and University of Virginia first-year student. Together they discuss what it means to navigate predominantly white spaces as women of color, exposing and exploring the very real lived experiences that statistics alone can't capture. 

screenshot of trailer video for HUES podcast

Speaking in HUES: New podcast coming soon

Y’all cannot understand how much work and excitement and time has gone into this project.

Maybe this TRAILER will help. Please watch and spread the word.


Symbol of UVA Survivors


Last month I found myself sitting around a stranger’s kitchen table with a group of sexual assault survivors and co-conspirators, plotting.

Witch hat

The Nasty Woman in the Woods

You will be asked one question when your house drops in Oz.

“Are you a good witch or a bad witch?”

Witches’ allegiances are straightforward in The Wizard of Oz (1939). It’s safe to assume that green-faced women commanding monkey armies will steal your shoes and kill your dog, while human Peeps who travel in pink bubbles and sing to munchkins will, well, not. Every child knows “only bad witches are ugly.”

The Oral History of Jaronda Miller-Bryant

As I begin my journey into womanhood, I find things such as starting a family crossing my mind more and more. I think: When do I want to start having children? How many do I want? How much time does that give me to plan my own life and career?

A woman writing in a notebook with a boy

Literacy, Learning, & Light: How The Citizen Foundation is Working to Bridge Gaps in Pakistan

“In our society, those who are educated sit on chairs and those who aren’t sit on the floor.”