Kate Jane Villanueva
Media Staff

A little girl holds my heart with both hands

runs through veins, arteries, jumping cell to cell hopscotch


she loves big stuffed panda bears and drawing

big pink hearts with thick markers all over my teeth


she stays inside on rainy days, when her tiny ears catch the sound

of big bass outside voices she curls up in the hidden


chasms of my lungs but on occasion she will

climb up out my ribs to peak her head


through my eyes and she will love to trace her fingers

over calloused skin, scars, cellulite, summer tan lines


she’ll make me hold her hand when I tell her all their stories

wide starry night eyes watch mine, and I think she knows


one day these stories won’t seem so separate from hers

because when I’m done, she’ll still tell me all


her own stories even when I know them all anyways

there’s a gray freckle under my left eye we share


and she will kiss it to say goodbye at bedtime

and hide just behind the lump in the back of my throat


where we sit quiet contemplating for one whole sleepless night

when it crosses my mind to send her away, it crosses hers to run


but she decides she would miss drawing on my teeth

and I know I would miss her eyes, so we sit in silence and eventually,


she’s laughing again and it doesn’t hurt to remember

for all my years she’ll still be holding my heart with both hands