
Image of Miriella Jiffar

The Indelible and Invisible 

Aethiopia, Abyssinia, Askum, Kush
All names thrown around by history books, by scholars 
Attempting to intellectualize, rationalize, standardize 
the place my parents call home 

Image of two hands reaching out for each other

Holy Ghost

I blame you for everything –
I blame myself for even more.
I’m dumb and stubborn; you, careless.

Image of a hand clutching purple sheets


His scent envelops
swallowing all that is mine 

circles arranged like a tray of food in orange tones

the aftermath

the aftermath of living—
have we ever thought about it?

an image of a person on top of a boat sail

I Would’ve Made a Better Pirate

When Little Boy spent summers at the sea

lungs with a pink background

Two Breaths, Hold

“In through your nose, out through your mouth
in through your nose, out through your mouth”


multicolored hands holding one another

Of Thick Night and Keen Knife

Out damned spot

a series of flowers in shades of blue and yellow

nothing in nature

I miss pre-pandemic me

a window with red trimming looking out on blue background

A Collection of Poems as the Months Go By

Hot denim chokes thighs
While blissfully curled eyelashes

green water with pink fish with pink hooks in their mouths

Chris Greene

It’s not alright and it hasn’t been alright, not since you yelled at me over flowers, but the flowers weren’t really the issue.