I sit quietly in the basement of Newcomb, sipping my diluted iced coffee I grabbed an hour earlier. My phone says it's 12:53pm, and I decide to keep myself busy by sorting through the several questions I prepared days earlier.
I know what you may be thinking, a basement is an unexpected place for an interview — especially one with a writer as talented and authentic as Jordan. Although maybe that's a good way to start thinking about her work as an artist. Her pieces act as portals, taking us to the places we couldn't get to otherwise. But what happens when we take a step back and get our heads out of the literary clouds? What can we learn about the writer behind the provocative Iris pieces?
Jordan Coleman isn't scared of getting vulnerable. That much I know. As a fourth-year writer, a dancer for APEX Dance Crew, and a Women, Gender, and Sexuality Studies major, Jordan’s time at Iris began her third year — with hopes of feeding her interest in creative writing. But according to Jordan, the venture into Iris was a leap of faith. “I was really nervous at first going in, especially because Iris is such a big team. And so that was definitely intimidating. And then also… not [having] written creatively in so long, and trying to get my bearings [was difficult]."
It's true that we are not born with natural confidence, but I think Jordan and I agree that it'd be lovely if we were. No matter how seasoned of a writer we are, there are still fears that there might be a million people better than us. There is also a tremendous amount of responsibility we feel when bringing a piece into the world, something Jordan did not shy away from speaking about. “Every time I write, I'm really self-conscious of the reader, who's going to read it, and what people are going to think.”
Despite the pressure of writing for the public sphere, Jordan has successfully found a unique and engaging voice by writing about everything from personal stories of family to a hilarious plea to Reneé Rapp. Since each piece captures a different aspect of her vibrant personality, I ask which one she thinks best captures her as a person. “I think the first thing that came to mind was my Renee Rapp piece,” Jordan said. “And I turned to that piece a lot, partly because I've gotten a lot of really positive feedback on it…I think that there's kind of a distinct voice in that piece, [it] combines the internet humor that I use with a kind of social commentary aspect.”
I find it quite funny that Jordan spoke about feeling so self-conscious of her work. In fact, I remember instantly being blown away by the first piece I read by her this year, “Nine Sapphic Books I Read This Summer.” An article about today's most worthwhile sapphic works, it truly finds a way to be both hilarious and sincere.
I actually fan-girl just a little bit, exclaiming that it “rocked my writing world.” Which is true, by the way. Jordan looked a bit taken aback, albeit smiling, at my reaction. Perhaps forgetting that her work could elicit such a response.
“Nine Sapphic Books” is also a piece concerned with who gets to be represented, especially in literature. Wanting to know more about the impact that sapphic representation has had on her, I briefly asked what a younger Jordan would have thought about this level of visibility. “I think eighth grade and high school me would have been really struck by it, and felt really validated. I probably would have been more confident in myself and my sexuality if I had known about all the literature out there.”
Indeed, the writer sitting across from me this afternoon is truly confident in her voice as well as the ideas she brings forth in the world. And according to Jordan, part of this confidence has come from her experience with Iris. “[Iris has] definitely kind of given me my confidence back in my writing, especially with how supportive and encouraging the environment is. I think I still struggle with feeling not good enough, especially in comparing myself to other writers, and I think that the environment has really helped combat that and just pushed me to write more.”
In a way, her internship with Iris has also given her the freedom to challenge and transform the way she thinks about both herself and her writing. “I have more comfort working in different forms and trying out new things, even just starting with an idea and a form and letting that completely change.”
As I turn off my recording, satisfied with the way the interview went, I can't help but think of how easy it is to talk with someone as real and vulnerable as Jordan. Someone who admits to feelings of inadequacy while being brave enough to voice “a profound hatred” for men like Elon Musk (Listen, I was curious who her celebrity nemesis was!). What I've learned from the Iris veteran — other than the fact that I see myself reflected in her words — is that Jordan Coleman really doesn't care what people think of her (well… maybe just a little).
To read Jordan's feature on Faith, see "Faith Leslie in Bloom".