Carley Frajda

Carley Frajda


Carley Frajda is a fourth-year double majoring in Media Studies and Women, Gender, & Sexuality. Outside of Iris, you can find Carley performing with the Salsa Club or going on adventures with the Outdoors Club. She also loves to listen to music, hit the gym, browse the farmers market, enjoy nature, and spend time with friends. 

on a blue-green background, pale hands squeeze juice from a bright orange into a cup

she’s ripe, holding her / pieces together / by tearable strings & / bruisable skin

three women in different yoga poses on a yellow striped background

Bailey Middleton, fellow Iris writer and fourth-year at UVA, knows a thing or two (or six) about staying calm in the midst of chaos.

a sad blue figure lays on the floor writing a letter, as pages of writing fall around her on a background that transitions from pink to orange

when I was in middle school, my friends called me “the one that’s on the floor” because at sleepovers, they shared the bed and made me sleep on the floor (go ahead, laugh).

girl in the center with hands grasping at the edges of a frame

But she has always desired Something. 

zoom in on wide, scared eyes

Before writing this list, I was worried I wouldn’t be able to come up with 10, let alone 13, fears. Boy, was I wrong!

Miniature person sitting on the bottom shelf of a green cabinet…never mind…close tab.…close tab. 
search: [my childhood home]

Blue circles

Finding joy in spontaneous change has transformed my life. Letting go is freeing. Change is something to be embraced. We cannot grow without metamorphosis.