Simone Minor

Simone Minor


Simone Minor is a third year pre-med student double majoring in Global Public Health and Sociology with a minor in Data Science. When she is not experiencing writer’s block, she loves to write poetry and find new and inventive ways to have difficult conversations with readers. To free her mind, she enjoys crocheting, listening to audiobooks, critically analyzing love reality TV shows, pinterest boarding, and working out. She is a new intern with Iris and looks forward to exploring different ways to communicate and express important ideas. 

the heart and other organs

I must feed my body and soul

blurred stripes of color

Sometimes life can move so fast that it passes you by.

Red rose with leaves and floating white hearts

Whether you are entering the warmth of cuffing season or bearing the cold of break up season, here are some songs to get you through the ebbs and flows of love.

line of figures standing each one more solid than the one that came before

What is legacy? / What someone leaves behind; / Difficult to vocalize / it is often unseen, / Unheard, / or even unknown.

a person meeting in the middle of multiple colored circles

I’m standing at the intersection of identity / Each piece of me yielding for another / But sometimes there’s a collision